Thank you so much for considering helping a women to make their dreams come true – you are truly someone special & we look forward to welcoming you.

If you have found yourself here you are already a caring and generous woman. Thank you for your interest in the Cape Fertility Egg Donor Program.

Egg donation is about donating a few of the eggs in your ovaries, that you do not need, to another woman who without your donation, is unable to have a child of her own.

Infertility is heart-breaking for so many women, but you can make a difference.

You most likely have about 200 000 eggs, most of which you will never need.

You loose nothing in donating but you give hope and the potential gift of a lifetime AND you receive R8 000 for your time & effort

Why should you donate with the Cape Fertility Egg Donor Program?


When you sign up with with us you donate only under our medically supervised & experienced fertility specialists who perform about 400 egg donations every year, for the past 25 years. We are experienced. Experience matters.

We have a high demand of local & international patients, which means you have every chance of donating soon. You don’t want to be on a database for months without being asked to donate. We have the recipient patients that need YOU.

Your CARE is our Primary CONCERN

You can read more about our world-renowned Cape Fertility clinic here.

What you need to know about the Egg Donation Process

1. You have applied and been accepted to our egg donor program!

You will be able to apply at the end of this document.

2. You have been selected to donate!

You receive a phone call or email from us advising you that a couple love the Egg Donor Profile that you will complete. They have asked you to donate for them! Cape Fertility have patients from all over the world and most of our donors do not wait long before they are selected to donate.

You confirm your availability and we give them the good news!

3. We arrange your assessment appointments with you

We will be in touch with you to arrange your first assessment appointment at Cape Fertility Clinic in Claremont, Cape Town.
If you are not based in Cape Town but reside in another province, you are what we call a “Travelling donor!” When you are selected to donate you will make 2 trips to beautiful Cape Town at no cost to you. All travel, transfers, accommodation costs are paid and you receive a daily allowance for each day spent in Cape Town.

You will see one of our fertility specialist doctors who askes you about your medical history and performs a normal vaginal scan of your ovaries. You will see the clinic’s psychologist who will discuss your decision to donate. You will be asked to to a blood test at the clinic.

This initial appointment is to ensure that egg donation is ideal for you, before the egg donation process commences. It is also a time for you to ask any additional questions that you may have.

4. Your medication

The clinic will supply you with your medication & be in contact when it is time for you to start administering your medication, which is daily for about 10 days.

As a donor you will inject yourself with a tiny injection into the tummy area. The nurse will demonstrate and explain exactly how to adimister them. You can also get a friend, a partner or a pharmacist to do these for you.

Even donors who are scared of needles have told us they do not hurt and the applicator makes them very easy to administer (a bit like diabetics inject themselves.)

The hormone medication encourages your ovaries to produce more than one egg for your egg donation. You will need to attend about 4 to 5 appointment scans during this 12 day period.

The doctor will use a vaginal scan at each appointment to check how your ovaries are responding to the medication. The medication dosage can thus be changed if necessary. These scans take place during normal working hours and not on weekends or after hours.

Donors do not usually experience any side effects from the medication. Side effects that can sometimes be experienced include: bloating, a heavy feeling in the pelvis, breast tenderness or mood swings. These PMS-type symptoms stop on discontinuation of the medication. We remain in contact with you throughout this time.

Approximately 12 days after commencing your medication, your actual egg donation will take place. Please be aware that once you are on these fertility drugs, should you have intercourse, it must be protected using a condom. If not, you have the risk of falling pregnant.

5. Yay yay its egg retrieval day 😉

The actual egg donation is also called an “egg retrieval” and is performed by one of our fertility specialist doctors at our private clinic.

The eggs are retrieved from the ovaries using a vaginal ultrasound and suction. There is no cutting, scarring or stiches. You are asleep under the care of an anaesthetist during the 15-20 minute procedure and you will not feel any pain.

Once the procedure is complete we keep you in our caring recovery for about an hour. You may not drive yourself home given that you may be slightly drowsy from the sedation. You will thus need to take a day off work for the egg retrieval and a doctors note can be provided if necessary.

Should you experience any discomfort after the donation, normal pain relief medication can be taken. Any discomfort is no more than experienced with a period, but each individual has different sensitivity levels. About 5 to 14 days later, you will have a period.

The R8000 you receive for your time and effort donating is paid to you by the clinic on the day of and after your egg donation.

For answers to frequently asked questions please click here.

Ready to become an Egg Donor with us?

It’s so easy

Click the button below now to complete your egg donor profile

On your cell phone or on your computer

Your questions asked are always answered

You have a dedicated egg donor “mother”

Linda is available to you via WhatsApp, Calls or Email Now & forever whilst you are an egg donor, as she has been for 100’s of donors over the past 14 years!

WhatsApp: 072 698 7919 | Email:

Please contact Linda whilst completing your Egg Donor Profile should you have any questions.

Words from our egg Donors

Being a first time egg donor for me was very nerve wrecking. Having to go through the whole process of being able to help someone else become a mother has now become the number one, biggest highlight of my life. The Cape Fertility staff were absolutely amazing, from the front help (Bonny) to the doctor’s (Dr Oosthuizen) and the Dr that performed the procedure. Not forgetting the nurses, they were all so friendly and motherly making me relax until it was over. Thank you nurse Diana, an absolutely lovely women, inside and out. I was only around her for 2/3 hours but she definitely made an impression, making me want to come back and donate again and again.

The Cape Fertility Clinic staff are by far the best people inside and out and make this whole entire process so meaningful and easy.

March 2019 Cape Fertility Egg Donor


Good day Linda,

I am not just honoured for the experience but also happy that I can give someone a chance to a family.

My experience at the clinic was unexplainable. The staff there are so caring and attentive, they made my whole experience so easy to go through. I remember all their names because they always check up on me before and after the retrieval to see if I’m ok.

I will and sure would like to do it again. No hesitation.

Thank you to you and the staff @Cape Fertility


We look so forward to welcoming you!



Spread the giving!