Welcome to our Egg Donor Program

Thank you so much for considering egg donation to help women who are battling infertility. You are truly a special person and the only hope for so many women in need of donor eggs in order to conceive a child of their own.

The application form, which you will complete below, is the last step before we welcome you as an eggceptional egg donor!

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Linda, your egg donor “mother”.

Linda is available to you via WhatsApp or Email Now & forever whilst you are an egg donor, as she has been for 1000’s of donors over the past 16 years!

WhatsApp: 072 698 7919 | Email: donors@capefertility.co.za

Please note that the application form will remember your data each time you click on the “Next” button. This makes for a more convenient way to fill in the form where you can complete one page at a time. That way you don’t have to fill in the full form in one go.


Egg Donor Application Form



Initial Qualification:

* Please note that you must be between the ages of 19 to 32 to be eligible to be a Donor.

* You must reside in, or live close to, any major airport in South Africa.

If you do not meet the above requirements then you will not be able to qualify, so please do not fill in the Application Form. We thank you for your willingness.


Your safety in communication is our primary concern:

  • The completion of your ONE application is ONLY completed online. You will never be sent an application to complete.
  • After your application is approved you will receive an official Cape Fertility WhatsApp, welcoming you to our donor program.
  • You will ONLY receive communication from Linda on this number 072 698 7919.



Spread the giving!