The Highest Paying Egg Donor Agency in South Africa


If you are looking for the highest paying egg donor agency in South Africa, you will find that the legitimate egg donor agencies all pay the same. This is because the maximum compensation payable to egg donors is governed by law, and that the payment is made not by the egg donor agency, but rather by the relevant fertility clinic.

In this article, we look at what compensation can be offered by egg donation agencies, what is the highest amount payable, and how to choose the right egg donor agency.

For couples who may never have their own child without a donation of healthy, good quality eggs, egg donation agencies offer a great solution. By recruiting healthy young women willing to donate their eggs and facilitating the process of matching these selfless donors to egg donation recipients, egg donation agencies play a vital role in making modern fertility treatments possible.

What compensation can be paid by egg donor agencies?

Egg donors – women who donate some of their eggs to help another woman experience the joy of carrying and birthing a child – can, by law, be compensated for their time, effort and expenses involved in this selfless act of donating.

It is only right and fair, because donating eggs require significantly more involvement than, say, donating blood, or donating sperm, or donating an hour of your time to a charity.

The compensation paid to egg donors are not payment for eggs, just like you don’t get paid for donating blood or donating clothes to a charity. It is not payment for the eggs donated, but compensation for the donor’s input of time and effort, which is quite a bit more than the time and effort required for donating in other ways.

In addition, this same compensation is paid to all donors, regardless and irrespective of how many eggs are donated.

The compensation paid recognises that egg donors – the selfless women who are willing to donate their eggs to help another woman become a mother – go above and beyond what the average person is willing to give.

It is certainly fair that donors are compensated for their giving a considerable amount of time and effort, and to cover any expenses they may incur in making this substantial donation that can help another experience the joy of their own baby. The compensation ensures that the process of donating does not cost more than you are already giving.

By law, egg donors in South Africa can be compensated for reasonable expenses – such as travel expenses for getting to and from the clinic for the various appointments, medications, consultations, examinations, blood tests and for the procedure on egg donation day, all of which require time, effort and commitment from the donor.

What is the highest compensation payable?

Currently, the maximum permissible compensation allowable in South Africa under the National Guidelines from the South African Society for Reproductive Medicine (SASREG), is R8000 per donation cycle.

How to choose the right donor agency?

As egg donation is legal in South Africa, there are many egg donation agencies in South Africa to choose from. It is crucial that you choose an egg donation agency that complies with the relevant laws, operates in line with the highest ethical standards and makes your medical safety a priority.

The National Health Act of 2004 and its regulations govern egg donation (or ‘gamete donation’ as it is also called) in South Africa. In particular, Chapter 8 on Artificial Fertilization of the National Health Act, govern the activities of egg donation agencies.

In addition, egg donors and egg donation recipients should only choose egg donation agencies that are managed within the strict guidelines and protocol procedures from the Southern African Society of Reproductive Medicine and Gynecological Endoscopy Regulations (SASREG).

This society of fertility experts, drawing on substantial expertise and extensive experience, has provided strict guidelines and protocol procedures to protect the interests of egg donors and egg donation recipients.

SASREG guidelines detail how egg donation agencies can operate legally and ethically, to protect the health and well-being of both the egg donors and the egg donation recipients.

SASREG guidelines also stipulate, for example, that egg donation agencies must take care of their egg donors’ overall physical and reproductive health – egg donors should undergo a psychological assessment prior to their donation and may not donate more than approximately six times. Egg donors should not do more than four egg donations within a twelve-month period and back-to-back donations are not allowed. Furthermore, no financial transactions can occur between the egg donor and the egg donation agency. Only the fertility clinic can reimburse an egg donor. You can find out more about SASREG and their guidelines at

Attention to your medical safety during the procedure should be the primary concern of any egg donor programme.

It is also important to choose an egg donation agency with extensive expertise and experience, as well as positive reviews from other egg donors and egg donation recipients alike.
In addition, give preference to a team that will support you throughout the entire egg donation process, and beyond.

At Cape Fertility, a SASREG accredited fertility clinic, we only work with egg donation agencies that follow the SASREG ethical guidelines.

As one of the largest and most reputable fertility clinics in South Africa, we also have our own egg donation program with the option of both fresh or frozen eggs. By joining the Cape Fertility Egg Donor Program, you join our fertility clinic directly without going through an egg donor agency.

Bear in mind that most egg donor agencies assist various fertility clinics by recruiting egg donors to donate at these different clinics across South Africa, which means you may end up donating at any fertility clinic in the country.

At Cape Fertility, we have been leaders in egg donation for 25 years and have assisted in thousands of egg donations. Our modern sophisticated laboratory allows all the latest assisted conception techniques to be used with great success – including a highly successful program for women requiring egg donation – our pregnancy rates with egg donation are 60 – 70% per cycle!

We have several of highly-qualified fertility specialists at Cape Fertility who are also impressively experienced, and supported by a dedicated team of IVF co-ordinators, embryologists, a psychologist available to provide additional counselling and even an Egg Donor Fairy God Mother and her team who are dedicated solely to taking the best care possible of our egg donors. Our team of specialist fertility doctors and nurses have been looking after egg donors for many years and have safely completed thousands of previous treatments.

At Cape Fertility, you will also receive the maximum permissible compensation allowable in South Africa under the National Guidelines from the South African Society for Reproductive Medicine (SASREG), currently R8000 per donation cycle.

This maximum compensation is paid by us, directly to you, on the day of and after your egg donation. Should you decide to donate again, this compensation is paid to you for every egg donation cycle.

To find out more, simply fill in your contact details here, or contact our Egg Donor Fairy God Mother, Linda, on 072 698 7919 or Your information is 100% confidential and will under no circumstances be made available to anybody else.

Contact us now to join our friendly, professional and leading Egg Donor Program!


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